Posts by TCE
Attention Mamas of ADHD Children. Learn Ways to Overcome Parenting Challenges
Attention Mamas of ADHD children: Learn ways to overcome parenting challenges And show the world how strong you really are Info Box The first step in creating a business is to visualize your audience. I love creating vision boards, so this became a fun creative outlet for me to see what I could come up…
READ MORECopy of Thank You-Dyslexia 101
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READ MORESelf-Confidence: Developing Your Child's Foundation for Learning
Self-Confidence & Cognition: Building the Connections to Learn If the only thing your child gained from our cognitive skills training intervention was self-confidence, would it be worth it? According to the parents whose children have been through our program, the answer is a resounding “Yes.” The number one feedback I hear from parents after their…
READ MOREHidden Struggles: Diagnosing Learning Disabilities in the Classroom
Problems or People? The Struggle to Learn in the Classroom The picture above shows 6 actual spelling tests administered to a second-grade public school classroom at the end of December in America. None of these 6 children have been diagnosed with a learning disability and all are considered to have average intelligence. While no…
READ MORE5 Clues to Help Identify Learning Struggles in your Child's Letter to Santa
5 Clues to Learning Struggles in your Child’s Annual Letter to Santa Several years ago, a dad walked into my office bearing Christmas gifts for my staff. I had met this father during his son’s evaluation and recommendation session. He was deeply concerned about his son’s inability to read, write, and spell. At that time…
READ MOREProtected: How a Speech Language Pathologist Teaches Kids to Read
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READ MOREHow to help a child adjust to middle or high school? Coach them through it.
Is your child having difficulty making the transition into middle school or high school? Coaching may be the solution you need to help them adjust. I received a notice in the mail the other day letting me know that my car had reached the 30,000-mile mark: time to bring it into the dealership for a…
READ MOREThe #1 Reason You Should Listen To Your Child if They Ask You To Buy a Fidget Cube
Fidget Cube in “Fresh” color, Grande size. From Antsy Labs. The #1 Reason to Buy Your Kid a Fidget Cube. I have been saying for a long time that kids know themselves better than adults give them credit for. The problem is that kids don’t know how to communicate their wants and needs in a…
READ MOREYour Kid Hate Writing? This Quick Guide on Using YouTube to Write Will Make It Playtime!
Have a Kid Who Hates to Write? Click “Play” and YouTube it Instead! Often the key lies in how you present it. When your kid has a written assignment and watching them get started is like watching paint dry, then keep reading. There’s an easy way to get the party started. It’s A Visual World…
READ MOREThe Secret to Getting Your Kid to Read This Summer?
Just in time for summer: The easy way to get your child to read without putting up a fight…and enjoy it! If your child is in the second grade and has completed the entire Harry Potter series without slowing down, then graphic novels would be a snack for that reading foodie. However, for the other…