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How to Create Change in the Smart But Struggling Student

Pile_of_Pennies. The Cognitive Emporium

How Small Change can Create Joy in the Smart but Struggling Student One day, I was at the LAX airport waiting for my flight back to Tennessee. I was standing in line ordering food when a gentleman with an Australian accent held up a penny and politely asked, “What is this?”  When I quickly replied,…


Workshops & Inservices For Academic Achievement In Hendersonville, TN

Inservice worlshops for ADHD, dyslexia and tutoring

Academic Inservices in Hendersonville, TN The Cognitive Emporium is proud to provide inservices on a range of topics surrounding how and why children struggle with academic achievement. Educational inservices can be scheduled for your school’s teachers or parent support groups. If you are interested in a presentation for your group on a specific topic, we…